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Trio's Methodology

TrioTransform: Next Generation EMR Data

One-size-fits-all EMR data is limiting the depth, breadth, and accuracy of your insights. 

TrioTransform data and our flexible solutions offer speed to insights without compromising quality.

Our process for streamlined transformation of EMR data, powered by physician experts and innovative technology. This is TrioTransform.

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It all starts with raw EMR data files with PHI.

Through strategic partnerships with EMR data aggregators, Trio has direct access to over 150 million patients and their full clinical history, including PHI.

Our national data network is diverse, geographically representative, and includes insights from over 200 specialities.

Our strategic partners procure EMR data securely from:

- National Integrated Delivery Networks (IDNs)
- Academic Medical Centers and Health Systems
- Community and Speciality Practice Networks

Trio then takes in the entire patient record and all of the disparate healthcare data into our Transformation Hub:

- Demographics
- Visits & Encounter History
- Prescription Records
- Medication Records
- Procedure Records
- Treatment Records
- Lab Records & Values
- Outcomes Measures
- Disease Assessment Scores
- Clinical Notes
- Imaging Files
- Scanned Documents

It doesn't end here.

This disparate data is as diverse as the patient's it represents. Without an innovative transformation strategy, potentially meaningful data gets left behind.

That’s why client's leverage TrioTransform, a next-generation data curation process, for access to custom data that is more powerful than anything else on the market.

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Every disease is different. Shouldn't your data should reflect these nuances?

Trio establishes deep relationships with physician experts in each disease area.

These experts provide critical support to Trio and our clients to ensure that the final data product is accurate and aligned to the real world patient journey and patterns of care.

Physican experts support key steps in the TrioTransform process:

- Characterize the natural history and unique journey of patients with the disease of focus and provide insight into the nuances of the condition that must be considered in the data transformation process

- Define the clinical criteria necessary to confirm a patient's diagnosis beyond the presence of an ICD-10 code

- Outline all specialities and provider types that may be involved in the primary or tertiary management of the patient's conditions. Define the key clinical data elements that would be captured by these respective specialists 

- Assist in defining the key imaging studies and diagnostic tests used in the diagnosis and ongoing management of the disease of focus

- Specify the full spectrum of therapies, both prescription and over-the-counter, that may be used in the treatment of the specific disease

- Provide insight into comorbidities and concomitant medications related to the disease area of focus

- Provide recommendations on categories and sub-categories used for capturing and organizing disease-specific reasons for treatment discontinuation

- In the absence of published disease staging/severity guidelines, the experts assist in the development of criteria and related variables that should be utilized to determine the each patient's severity level

- In instances in which published guidelines on disease staging exist, experts ensure that clinical variables required per the guidelines are documented and captured via structured and unstructured data sources

- Aid in the understanding of unmet needs amongst the patient population of focus and provide recommendations for strategic research opportunities to address them


Allergy & Asthma (3)

EMR data holds vast potential, yet its true value remains is often untapped.

Duplicate records and customization at the site level complicates EMR datasets, resulting in a tangled web of inconsistencies and an inherent lack of data integrity.

Many EMR data vendors don't address this reality, but this is where TrioTransform excels.

Validation of patient diagnosis:

- Leveraging criteria from our physician experts and our access to the full clinical history, Trio validates each patient's diagnosis 

Chart Review and Extraction:

- Treatment non-start and discontinuations reasons are extracted from clinical notes and categorized based on expert guidance 

- HCP and/or patient reported outcomes measures are extracted from clinical notes and standardized

- Lab and imaging results are extracted from scanned documents and EMR attachments and converted to a structured format

Enhanced mapping:

- Labs without LOINC Codes are mapped to bolster completeness and ensure longitudinal coverage

- Derived calculations of disparate values are conducted to produce composite clinical scores


Complete, regulatory-grade data, customized to your needs.

 The patient journey encompasses all touchpoints of a patient’s healthcare experience.

We believe that EMR data should be curated in a way that aligns to this unique sequence of events, giving you a longitudinal view of the patient's entire journey.

Custom Curation:

- Pre-diagnosis insights, including encounters, diagnostic testing and procedures, lab results, etc.

- Development of chronological treatment episodes inclusive of encounters, procedures, treatment non-start reasons, outcomes measures and lab results, and drug discontinuation reasons relative to each treatment prescribed

- Strategic inclusion of of supplemental data extracted from notes and scanned documents throughout the chronological journey.

Overlap with claims data:

Through strategic partnerships with the largest and most sophisticated vendors, Trio offers clients the option to overlap their enhanced EMR data with existing or new claims datasets.

- Data tokenized through the Datavant Platform
- High-rate of overlap with all major claims providers
- HIPAA certification of the combined dataset

Person typing on laptop

Enhanced Mapping through TrioTransform

Trio conducts an enhanced mapping process on each dataset, drastically increasing availability of lab values, clinical assessment scores, and other critical structured data fields.

In this case example, Trio was able to improve the quantity of disease-critical lab results by at least 200%.

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Insights from Unstructured Sources Enhance Your Dataset

Up to 80% of a patient’s medical record is unstructured.

Trio’s access to 100% of the unstructured data sources made it possible for this client to have visibility into ACT scores, a critical outcomes measure that was documented in the notes and not available in a structured data field.

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On Call Experts

Physican experts support key steps in the TrioTransform process and serve as strategic partners to clients.

These experts ensure that client data investments and deliverables are highly relevant to the disease of focus. 

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Ready for deeper clinical and commercial insights?

Trio offers a range of flexible solutions driven by our transformed EMR data. Click here to learn more.

Privacy is Paramount. Best-In-Class Security.

Infrastructure Built
With Integrity

Dedicated CISO team

Secure environments

Multiple security advisors

Data encryption

24-hour malware checking

Independent Regulatory Audit Platform

Annual penetration test
by an
outside security firm

Audit results available
under a CDA

 Comprehensive security
document that can be
reviewed by Trio’s CISO
team under a CDA

Policy, Procedures,
and Training

Access control using
Multi-factor Authentication

HIPAA InfoSec Training Security
Policies in place for Employee

Awareness for PHI handling

Access Control Procedures
for blocking malware

Endpoint Security