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The Next Generation of Clinical Data

Trio Health isn't your typical EMR data provider. Looking for deeper insights and innovative solutions? You're in the right place.

Complex Patients Require a Comprehensive Solution

Real-world patients are highly complex with many confounding factors that require us to think beyond continuous data aggregation. Trio Health offers innovative solutions to overcome these challenges.













Does your current clinical data vendor offer these capabilities?


Access real-time physician EMR for key patient observations, labs, and visit notes.


Communicate directly with physicians through a bi-directional platform to verify and enhance insights.


Process unstructured data swiftly and accurately using clinically-trained scribes.

Since 2013, Trio Health has made this possible. Let's discuss elevating your clinical data strategy.

Discover advanced disease registries with smarter, faster, and more sophisticated features.

The Trio Difference

Trio's platform gives clients real-time insights into patient behaviors, preferences, and outcomes. This enables data-driven decisions to improve patient care without burdening physicians.

comparison chart displaying the capabilities of trio health compared to big data providers and patient registries, including regulatory grade data and access to all patient care stakeholders

Trio's patient-first approach starts by coordinating the efforts of all patient care stakeholders.

Person typing on laptop

A Commitment to Quality

For over 10 years, Trio Health has set the standard for real-world data quality by prioritizing excellence in all we do.

  • Contracts with physicians as trusted advisors.

  • Real-time EMR access to vital patient observations, labs, and physician notes.

  • Comprehensive, longitudinal patient outcomes.

  • Over 5,000 updates added weekly by clinically-trained scribes.

  • Data validations included in every Trio data license.